Ny Outtakes på Booboo Stewart
helt klart en av mina favvo outtakes!♥♥
Jusin Chon är på väg till Vancouver!
Nya bilder på 100 monkeys
ni kanske mins att Jackson är med i ett band? Jag har aldrig hört han sjunga men det måste jag nog ändra på!;)
Xavier Samuel på Paspaley’s 2011 Silver Party
Snygging på bilden eller?♥
ClevverTV:'Snow White'
Ni kanske vet att Kristen ska vara med i 'Snow White'? I klippet får du vet mer om det:)
ja kanska förvirande...
Svar på komentar "Ash Glamour omslag"
Karoline:Åh vilken awesome header!
på designbloggar kan du få grattis designar där header ingår:)
ClevverTV pratar om Ashs Glamour omslag och Joe-intervjuven
ny WFE bild
Ashleys photoshoot för Glamour
Swans hus=borta!

ja nu har Swans hus rivits ner för sista gången:( jag vill inte ens tänka på att The Twilight SAGA leder mot sitt slut..
första promo poster för BD part 1
Judi Shekoni(Zafrina) twittrar en bild
grymt fin bild!!;)
Ashley Green med ett fan
Postern till Kellans nya film "Love wedding marriage"
Asså jag måste se filmen!
har ingen aning om när den kommer till Svergie men så fort den kommmer hit ska jag se den!;)
Ash ute på stan
fan bild med Mackenzie
Några fans mötter Rob!!
Met Robert Pattinson again last night and saw Kristen Stewart while we were having dinner. Didn’t get a chance to talk to her, but talked briefly to Rob and he was SO nice.
They were in a group together.. I don’t really want to say the restaurant because I do respect their privacy but it was in Squamish. We were sitting beside them for about 4 hours or so and let them be as I’m sure they are sick of being harassed. Then as we were leaving we bumped into him on our way out and he allowed a picture to be taken with him. He was incredibly nice and down to earth
jag blir inte lite grön i ansiktet....
Tinsel Korey, Kiowa Gordon, Bronson Pelletier på Chateau Nightclub
Anna Kendrick i NY
BooBoo Stewart träffar fans
aa!! blir typ galen! jag vill också träffa någon från twilight-gänget!! lyckos alla i Vancouver säger jag bara...
Ash på omslaget för Glamour
MyAnna(Tanya) träffar ett fan!
Bella & Edward-If I could be where you are
Dagen skratt
Ny bild på Julia
Tinsel Korey på NYLON Magazine
Nya bilder från Nikkis film ‘Minie’s First Time’
Video från Vancouver
dom filmade in en scen där men vet tyvär inte vad det är för scen;)
Fanmade bild till Robsten!
Bella & Edward-Sombody♫
Jamie twittrar om BD & Camelot
BooBoo på Cartoon Networks Hall of Game Awards
En till WFE bild
det är alltid någon som slår Robert i ansiktet på filmerna förutom Twilight sagan:(
själv klart är det ju bara smink det fattar jag ju;)
Intervju med Rob för Italy’s “Style”
Here is an excerpt of the translation of the Style article via @catrux :
The real prototype of these generational mutations is Rob Pattinson: 24 years old, and Englishman in Hollywood, where he became famous worldwide playing the pale vampire Edward Cullen (and, even before, Cedric Diggory, a model student at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series). He jokingly admits to be “nothing special, one of those who live in hotels and travel the world”. However, he created a new masculine identity, surprising even for the Facebook sub-culture who’s made him a star via the social network. Today is the eve of an important test for him: his new movie, WFE: he’s the protagonist of a melodramatic film, set in a circus, from the bestselling book by Sara Gruen. […]
Having been labelled as a teen idol, you’re now being tested as a true actor.
I had this chance to act with Cristoph Waltz and I fall in love with Marlena (Reese), his wife. Travelling with the circus, I visit areas of America far from Hollywood. There are dark secrets in this movie, as in life. And there’s this idea of life-saving love, which I believe in. I’m not cheesy, but I have a romantic soul.
Do you get on well with girls?
I grew up with two older sisters, and I have a great respect for women. I hate the lack of prudishness, I get bored when people are ostentatious of their body. Sex and feeling for me walk side-by-side.
Your rock side: people say you spend nights with your friends listening to Tom Waits, Van Morrison and the late Jeff Buckley.
Music is a key aspect of my life. I wish I could play a movie about Buckley, his voice, his songwriting gave me a lot. I’m interested in his creativity, in his existence, even in his death by drowning in 1997, in the Mississippi.
Fame was next, a non-human fame: the vampire. How did Rob Pattinson protect his persona from fans only interested in a celebrity?
I am a cinephile, I’ve always loved cinema. It’s a passion. Cinema has the most important, and the truest communicative task: it makes us dream, it broadens our imagination, and yes, it can help us become better people. I started studying French just because I was interested in the nouvelle vague director Godard. All of this doesn’t make me a “celebrity” even if I later entered the Hollywood system.
We know very little about your life. As a man and an actor, how would you describe yourself?
My father Richard sold cars for years, my mother works as an agent in the show business. I started acting almost by chance at school and I played in a band. I never asked for too many clothes and shoes, and I’ve never been a social climber and I’ll never be. I read a lot and I still do; my favourites are the Russian writers, Dostoevskij, Nabokov. They make fun of me on set because I’m always reading stuff. Lately I’ve been reading again my favourite English writer, Martin Amis. His books are extraordinary accounts of contemporary life and psychology.
Can you resist everything? Can you define yourself by what you refuse? You’re immune to gossip?
My private life is off-limit. I’ve never spoken about my flirts, I’m not a man for short and superficial love affairs. I don’t talk about my relationships with female friends, not to mention how I don’t talk about the rumors my relationship with Kristen Stewart, an actress I admire because she’s a real person, and a real actress. It was the chemistry I had with her helped me to get my role in Twilight. I don’t let people take pics of the houses I rented both in New York and London. When I’m in L.A. I live mostly in hotels. You can live very well in the anonymity of a hotel room, especially when you have a piano to play.
How important do you consider your style, the clothes you wear?
I like dressing Calvin Klein, English shoes, Tshirts and comfortable jeans. I’ve always been influenced by James Dean’s look. Yesterday elegance was conformism, today it’s individuality. Maybe we should find a balance.
engelska igen..jag vet men som sakt det är kanska jobbigt att översetta..om man använder google kan det ju också bli fel så jag hoppas det går bra med engelska:)
vad me och stöta "One Day Without Shoes" tillsammands med Chaske Spencer & Julia Jones
TOMS Shoes was founded on a simple premise: With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for One. Using the purchasing power of individuals to benefit the greater good is what we’re all about. The TOMS mission transforms our customers into benefactors, which allows us to grow a truly sustainable business rather than depending on fundraising for support.
Giving Is Catching On…
The TOMS mission of giving shoes has attracted other brands, resulting in unique and successful collaborations. Ralph Lauren sold co-branded Polo Rugby TOMS, giving a matched pair with every pair sold. Element Skateboards has issued limited edition TOMS + Element shoes as well as a One for One skateboard. With every skateboard purchased, one will be given to a child at the Indigo Skate Camp in Durban, South Africa. It is TOMS’ hope that as our One for One movement continues to grow, more and more companies will look to incorporate giving into what they do.
The TOMS Story
In 2006, American traveler Blake Mycoskie befriended children in Argentina and found they had no shoes to protect their feet. Wanting to help, he created TOMS Shoes, a company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need. One for One. Blake returned to Argentina with a group of family, friends and staff later that year with 10,000 pairs of shoes made possible by TOMS customers.
As of September 2010, TOMS has given over one million pairs of new shoes to children in need through Giving Partners around the world
ni får tyvär läsa påp engelska jag orkar inte översetta, hoppas det går bra endå:D
Ashley ut i Beverly Hills
Ashley Green sågs ute med några vänner i Beverly Hills:)
Ny info om Robs film “Cosmopolis”
Production update on “COSMOPOLIS”
STATUS: April 15
LOCATION: Toronto – New York
PRODUCER: Paulo Branco – Martin Katz – Renee Tab WRITER/DIRECTOR: David Cronenberg
PM: Joseph Boccia – Robin Reelis
CAST: Robert Pattinson – Paul Giamatti – Juliette Binoche – Mathieu Amalric
KINOLOGYIt is an April day in the year 2000 and an era is about to end. The booming times of market optimism — when the culture boiled with money and corporations seemed more vital and influential than governments — are poised to crash. Eric Packer (Pattinson), a billionaire asset manager at age twenty-eight, emerges from his penthouse triplex and settles into his lavishly customized white stretch limousine. Today he is a man with two missions: to pursue a cataclysmic bet against the yen and to get a haircut across town. Stalled in traffic by a presidential motorcade, a music idol’s funeral, and a violent political demonstration, Eric receives a string of visitors — experts on security, technology, currency, finance, and a few sexual partners — as the limo sputters toward an increasingly uncertain future. Based on the novel by Don DeLillo. (Giamatti plays the dual role of BennoLevin/Richard Steers. / April 15 – May 31)
Nya bilder från Kellans film “Meskada”
Ash med familjen i NY
Outteks på Mackenzie Foy
Rob pratar Breaking Dawn med USA Today
Picture from Instyle.com
Lions and tigers and bears! (Cue the ‘Oh my!’) Those are real animals, not CGI, in Robert Pattinson’s new circus flick Water for Elephants, co-starring Reese Witherspoon (it’s out April 22). But with all those carnivores prowling around the 1930s-themed set, you’ll never believe which animal Pattinson feared most.
The horses.
Scarier than having to throw meat into a lion’s cage? “I had to get knocked down by a horse. That was terrifying,” Patz tells USA TODAY’s Andrea Mandell. “It was just one split second but (it was) a fully grown stallion…I’m kind of relatively scared of horses as well. I’m just glad I didn’t have to ride any of them. I’m not particularly good at horse riding.”
On a short break from shooting Breaking Dawn in Vancouver, he also offered up some Edward Cullen-style gossip. The main story line is “so far outside of the box,” he says.”It’s really different from the other ones. There are some days on set just watching you go ‘How is this going to be PG-13?’” he said with a laugh. “It’s like totally ridiculous.”
Haven’t read Twilight’s fourth novel? Read no further.
Pattinson confirms he and Stewart have filmed the birth scene, and with a laugh, says the shooting was “kind of hilarious.”
He explains: “She has to have this pregnant suit on all the time, that was probably more annoying for her,” he said. That’s not the only change you’ll see in Bella.
“I can’t give too much away but there’s some bits, especially towards the end of the movie, she’s just like the polar opposite of any of the other (films),” he says. “I mean, she’s a different person, which is cool. She looks completely different. She looks probably the most convincing vampire out of all of us.”
Meaning what, exactly? “A lot of us look like we’re just from Mars,” said Pattinson. “She’s kind of the smallest one, but she suits being a vampire.”
Next up: Breaking Dawn’s wedding shoot, scheduled for April. “That’s a hard scene too,” he told us. Not to mention the flood of paparazzi who will try to get a shot of Bella and Edward headed down the aisle. “It’s been OK in Vancouver in terms of people showing up and trying to get stuff,” says Rob. “I have a feeling the wedding is going to be the one with (paparazzi) parasailing in.” Talk about a money shot.
orkade inte översätta ni får ta det som det är;)
Resultatet på flecking Awards
”Most Stylish Male, Sexiest Male and Sexist Vampire”.
Kristen Stewart also got some “Flecking” award love by winning the “Best Actress” category.
Last , but certainly not least, Twilight : Eclipse took home a Flecking award “ Best Film”.
ja vem är förfånad?;)
Catherine Hardwicke på ‘Miral’ Screening
Bryce Dallas Howard på ‘Ceremony’ premiären
Bryce Dallas Howard påHemingway’s i Hollywood
Dagens bild
ClevverTv: Renesmees föddelse
Upptaterning: Rob i EW
Ash på musikalen “Spiderman :Turn off the Dark”
Cameron möter några fans
Ny bild på Rachelle Lefevre, Cameron Bright & skådespelaren Tyler Labine
Rob på omslaget på EW+en intervju
From EW.com:
Rob on romancing Reese in Water for Elephants and his future in movies:
“Generally, what I think is cool is what everybody else hates”
NEW YORK – With The Twilight Saga nearing its end, everybody wants to know where Robert Pattinson’s career will take him next. Not even Pattinson himself is sure. In this week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly, he opens up about acting, fear, the future—and his new drama with Reese Witherspoon, Water for Elephants. Nothing makes an actor feel alive like getting to play someone who isn’t dead.
The movie, in theaters April 22, is a romantic period piece adapted from Sara Gruen’s bestselling novel. Pattinson plays a veterinary-school dropout in the ’30s who joins a traveling circus after his parents die, only to fall in love with the star attraction (Reese Witherspoon). Unfortunately, she’s married to the mercurial ringmaster (Christoph Waltz). “I liked the aspect of living on a train,” the English actor says. “Just that whole frontier thing. It seems to me the definition of America.” Pattinson says that signing on to Elephants, directed by I Am Legend’s Francis Lawrence, was a “no-brainer,” and that he’s considering his post-Twilight career very carefully—though ultimately he knows whatever will be, will be. “It’s impossible to predict anything,” he sighs before grinning. “When it all goes down the toilet, you can just weep.” “He’s an incredibly hardworking person with an incredible work ethic,” says Witherspoon. “He doesn’t ever complain. Not once. Which is sort of lower than the national average for actors. They’re always complaining. Especially the men!”
Twilight lovers will be happy to know that Pattinson is talkative and laughs easily— especially about the intense fame that’s followed him since Twilight became a phenomenon (“How is this still a story? It’s so boring”), about the darkness of the Breaking Dawn movies (“It’s going to be sooo weird”), and most of all, at himself. “I’d love to play a big fat person,” he says, contemplating a different look in a post–Edward Cullen era. No doubt it would just mean more of him for fans to love.
Entertainment Weekly: How was working with Reese?
Robert Pattinson: There’s something about her. She’s just this genuinely nice person. I don’t know if she puts an effort into creating a nice aura, but her mood dissipates over the whole set. It was a completely different environment from when she wasn’t there. All the kids and the animals were just drawn to her. It made it incredibly easy to do my part—all my reaction shots are just watching her work brilliantly. She’s really cool and she’s just…never, ever annoying. God, that’s the worst description, isn’t it?
EW: You’re almost finished with The Twilight Saga, with Breaking Dawn parts 1 and 2 wrapping soon. You’ve been filming for a long time.
Pattinson: I literally feel like we’ve been doing it my whole life. [Laughs]
EW: There are a lot of crazy things that happen in these last two movies—not the least of which involves a half-vampire baby’s horrific birth.
Pattinson: There’s some interesting and weird stuff going on—really very, very, very strange. It’s great. For a big mainstream movie, it’s the most obscure story line and really outside the box. It’s a horror movie. I’ve seen a few bits, and I just can’t see how it’s going to be PG-13… unless they cut everything out. [Laughs]
EW: Once Twilight is finished, can’t you do whatever you want?
Pattinson: I mean, I can. But at the same time, I think people have an incredibly short shelf life, and you can never really predict what an audience wants or how to maintain a career, other than doing what you think is cool. Generally, what I think is cool is whatever everybody else hates.
EW: Do you think after Twilight ends in 2012 you’ll be able to start living a more normal life?
Pattinson: It’s funny how it’s ending in 2012. This is how the world will end. But, um, I don’t know. I think most of people’s recognition is based on the magazines and stuff. All the gossip stories won’t work— they’re always combined with Twilight, so once that’s done and it can’t be combined with the promotion of the film, I think it will end. Because I have an obscenely boring life.
orkade inte översetta allt så ni får läsa på engelska;)
Nya bilder på Rob från WFE-bakom kulisserna
Ash på shoppingtur

Ny photoshoot med Tyson Houseman
Swans hus tivs ner för sista gången
Fanmade bild till Robsten♥
Anna Kendrick på Tribecca Film Festival Kick-Off party
Möt tjejen som hoppar in för Mackenzie Foy
Although Mackenzie Foy is playing Renesmee Cullen in Breaking Dawn, they still needed another girl with Mackenzie’s body structure for the stand-in and photo-double. According to IMDb, Haley Duryea is the lucky girl who gets to take on the stand-in job!
Keep in mind that she is not required to look like Mackenzie, she only needs to have a similar body structure. I am going to assume she’s being used for ‘older Renesmee Cullen’ stills since Hayley is clearly taller/older. They will simply add Mackenzie’s face to Hayley’s body.
jaa visst har hon inte lite tur?
Ash nya film Summer’s Blood
mycket blod i trailern!! Något jag aldrig skulle våga se.hehe lite fegis;)
Peter twittrar om sin nya film
Nya bilder på Bryce Dallas Howard för Kate Spade
Dom viktiga scenerna är filmade
Robert Pattinson berättar för Totalt Film att scenen där hans karaktär urför ett kejsarsnitt med sina tänder på sin fru, Bella (Kristen Stewar), har filmats för den avslutande delen av Twilight sagan; Breaking Dawn.
"Ja, jag har gjort det. Jag tuggade på det, spottade ut det!"
Trots att han inte har tillåtelse att berätta speciellt mycket säger han att Breaking Dawn kommer bli väldigt annorlunda från de andra filmerna - mer som en skräckfilm.
"Bara en del av materialet gör den oundvikligen mer annorlunda. Den är helt galen, boken."
säger som Celine på Cullens: hoppas det inte blir så hög åldersgräns bara!

Se till att rösta extra nogrant på BEST KISS ! .. för ni har väl inte glömt robstens tradion när dom vinner , för självklart vill ve se om det blir en riktig kyss detta året .. så se till att rösta !
Best Kiss
Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson ‘The Twilight Saga: Eclipse’
Best Fight
Robert Pattinson vs. Bryce Dallas Howard & Xavier Samuel ‘The Twilight Saga: Eclipse’
Best Line From A Movie
Robert Pattinson ‘The Twilight Saga: Eclipse’ “Doesn’t he own a shirt?”
Best Male Performance
Robert Pattinson ‘The Twilight Saga: Eclipse’
Best Movie
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Intervju med Judi Shekoni(Zafrina)
English actress Judi Shekoni will be playing Amazonian vamp Zafrina in Breaking Dawn. In a new interview, Judi reveals that she was a fan of the Twilight books and films before she was cast, and also mentions which Team she has chosen!
From LargeManchester.com:
You’re currently filming for Twilight: Breaking Dawn, playing Amazonian vampire Zafrina – were you a fan of the franchise before securing the role?
Absolutely. I read the first two books when I was on a cruise around the Bahamas with my friend Jenny. I tend not to read fiction but I got to the stage of boredom that I would have tried anything. At first, it seemed a bit weird and I remember thinking ‘I don’t understand, it’s all about kids’, but the more I read, the more hooked I was. At one point, I was like get me off this ship I need to go buy the next book. When the first film was released, me and my friends all booked tickets in advance and we just adored it.
It’s taken on element of the surreal now because just the other day I was stood in the Cullen house, looking at their book shelf thinking as if I’m here!
What has it been like working with the cast?
Everyone has been super nice, there’s an atmosphere of family. Spending time with everyone has been great, Rob (Pattinson) is such a laugh and it’s been an enjoyable experience. There’s a mix of nationalities here, and the Canadians are a lot like the Brits with their humour. Sometimes you can join a project like this and be met by a few prima-donnas, but that couldn’t be further from the truth here. All us newcomers are welcomed like we’ve been involved since the beginnings. It helps that we’re in the most beautiful hotel. It’s like a network of private mini lodges; I’ve even got my own fireplace!
Are you Team Edward or Jacob?
I’d have to say Team Edward. Being a fan of the books, it’s hard not to fall for him; he is the dream man we’re all looking for.
Are you ready for the influx of media attention you’re no doubt going to receive for being part of the Twilight Saga?
It’s been crazy already. Fans seem to know where we are before we do, and are always waiting near the set or hotels and airports. Being associated with such a high profile film, there’s bound to be a lot of attention. The premiere is what I’m most looking forward to, getting to go the Kodak Chinese Theatre in Hollywood for my own film, and coming to London to show it to home audiences. I can’t imagine how exciting it’ll be.
Givmilda Kristen

Kristen Stewart är en schsst tjej som inte bara vill sitta på de pengar hon tjänar genom "Twilight". Hon planerar istället att hjälp samhällets utslagna genom att låta bygga hus för bland annat uteliggare och människor som har svårt.
-Varje gång jag hör att någon är väldigt rik är den första frågan som dyker upp "Gör du något med dem? Eller typ bara chillar du? Bara sitter på dem?"berättar Kristen för amerikanska Vogue och förklarar att det skulle vara underbart att få göra någonting för de behövande.
Jag tycker hon är fantastisk som bryr sig:) det är kanska många kändisar som gör sama sak fast bara för att få mer publisitet men Kristen gör det men hjärtat.
Den här artikeln hittade jag i Nya numret(nr6) av Tidningen Julia
Intervju backsatage med Rob
Bryce Dallas Howard på LAX
Vem talar saning??
Robert, 24, was asked in a March 18 MTV segment about an interview Justin gave saying he had spoken about haircare and girls with R-Patz.
“One day Robert Pattinson came up to me at a party and said, ‘For whatever reason, people love our hair and it’s always a great ice-breaker with girls,’” Justin had told The People. “He is like, ‘Hey my name’s Robert. Want to touch my hair?’ I thought he was joking, but it really works.”
Rob’s response?
“I’ve never met this guy,” Rob said. “I saw that as well. I was like, ‘You’re really famous man — what are you doing?’ You don’t need to use me to make up stories!”
What an accusation from Rob! We don’t know which side to believe — what do you think, HollywoodLifers?
Om du vill rösta tryck här:) jag tror på Rob iallafal;) och jag kan säga att Justin leder med 30%!! Vi måste ändra på det!!

jag älskar den!!♥♥ det är precis bok-omslaget säger:D att hon var svag bonde och har växt till en stark drottnig!
källa för den fantastiska bilden!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Ash twittrar om Theo
Naww..♥ gullligt;)
Dakota tillsammans med systern Elle
Ser ni att Dakotas lillasyster är längre än henne? Och Elle är typ 13 år!!! Mhm Dakota är kanska kort men grymt fin i avslupnad stil!!:D
ClevverTV: Nathan Kress kör på Twilight-stil i iCarly
Tinsel Korey på Generositet Water's 3rd Annual "Night of generositet "
Hon ser amazing ut!;)
Video på Nikki när hon besökte Idol-gänget(American Idol)
Ny bild på Vargarna från LA Twilight Convention
Sleep well my angel ♥
Nya bilder på Jackson när han tränar för BD
Några GIF´s på Rob från The Tonight Show
Skådisen Tim Griffin om hur det är att jobba med Taylor Lautner & Chris Weitz
Tim Griffin stars in Chris Weitz’s upcoming film A Better Life, as well as with Taylor Lautner in the film Abduction, due to be released this fall. In this new interview with Moviehole, the actor discusses working with both of them.
Having read the script for Chris Weitz’s “A Better Life”, I’m intrigued to know who you play in that?
I understand your confusion. Because the story is about an (illegal) immigrant gardener and his teenage son, Luis, who is struggling to survive the twin perils of gangs and immigration agents in East L.A….sounds like the perfect vehicle for a Blonde haired, blue-eyed Irish-American actor born and raised in Chicago, right? Actually, Chris Weitz put together an amazing cast, of mainly Mexican-American actors, many of who are newcomers. I loved the script, and just wanted to be a part of the movie, so Chris asked if I would play Charlie, a world-weary cop who has seen one too many kids grow up to be gang bangers, and ends up unfairly profiling Luis after he gets in a fight at school. I don’t want to give anything away, but it is a heartbreakingly beautiful story.
And “Abduction”, how did you enjoy doing that? What was it like working with Taylor Lautner – has he remained down-to-earth despite his sudden success?
Taylor Lautner, I was happy to discover, remains very down-to-earth in the face of insane fame and notoriety. After spending 4 months trekking across the Carolinas with George Clooney, I’m used to seeing a whole towns full of people come out to watch us film, but the crowds that would gather outside our base camp while filming “Abduction” was a level of hysteria that I was unaccustomed to. People, young girls especially, would camp out for days at a time just to get a glimpse of Taylor. It was like being on tour with the Beatles. And Taylor, like Clooney, couldn’t be nicer to his fans. Stopping whenever possible to sign autographs or take pictures, but invariably it would turn into a frenzy and eventually the security team would have to escort him away. If I was 19 years old, I don’t know if I could handle that level of fame. But Taylor takes it all in stride, and remains grounded. He was a pleasure to work with.
Read more of the interview here.
orkar inte läsa eller översätta ni får ta de t som det är;)

den sista är iallafal en fanmade bild och kanske den första..den andra verkar äkta men man vet ju aldrig;)
Spanska postern för WFE
Stilbilder från Jacksons film ‘Dread’
Nya bilder från Elizabeths serie ”Saved”
Ny bild på Tinsel Korey med ett fan
Ny bild på Anna Kendrick på Rag and Bone's Designer
The funny side of twilight
Ny bild från WFE
MTV-Hela intervjun med Rob (#25-31)
MTV-hela intervjuven med Rob (#13-24)
MTV-Hela intervjun med Rob (#1-12)
Första klippet från WFE!!!
Måste se filmen när den kommer!!! Den verkar ju ass bra!! fast det är ju inte så konstigt när Robert är me;)
Rob på The Tonight Show 18.03.2011.

jag har inte sett showen än men ska göra det så fort som möjligt dom ser ju ut att ha jätte roligt på bilderna;))
Nya bilder från Nikkis film Chain Letter
vet inte riktigt vad det är för film men den lär ju komma ut nån gång i år:) Och själv klart ser Nikki lika vacker ut som vanligt;)
ser fler bilder här
You and I, we'll be young forever! ♥
Ny bild på Kellan från “the Killing Games”
Vinn rullskridskor signerade av Ashley!!
In honor of Ashley’s new movie Skateland, you now have the chance to win rollerskates from the movie, signed by Ms. Ashley Greene herself!
Here’s how to enter:
- Contest Instructions
To enter, contestants are required to:
1. Submit a photograph of themselves that is either from the eighties or inspired by the eighties and;
2. Include a one-line caption for the photograph.Valid entries are those which:
a. Include images for which the contestant owns the copyright.
b. Does not include nudity, profanity or exhibit any form of violence or prejudice.
Ny fanmade bild till Rosten
10 bästa unga skådispelare: Dakota & Kristen
Dakota Fanning. In 2001 Fanning got her first mainstream break with her role in “I Am Sam.” She has since become one of the most famous young, professional, and non-troublesome stars in Hollywood. One of the 10 best young famous actors because she has been well known, and respected since a young age
The 10 best young famous actors got their start as child stars. They were able to make the leap from child actor to young actor smoothly, which is not easy to accomplish. Some characters they choose to portray are emotionally deep, which can cause audiences to forget the young age of the actor. All of the 10 best young famous actors are extremely talented, and mature in their role choices, which shows their range as an actor.
#8 Kristen Stewart. Her celebrity status became a famous actor when Stewart’s role as Bella Swan in the “Twilight” movies became known worldwide. Born in 1990, she has also starred in the movies “Into the Wild,” “Jumper,” and “Adventureland.” One of the 10 best young famous actors because her promising career has no signs of slowing down
Jupp visst har dom rätt alltid, men Kristen kunde ju dom placera lite högre upp eller hur? Se hela liten här för att se om Kristen borde ha fått en högre plasering:D
Mer nyheter om Ash och Joes sepration
Peter är nu I Vancouver
Nikki tittar in på American Idol
gulligt gjort av hennes:D
Dakota lämnar Gymet den 14 mars
tänk att man kan vara så vacker när man går hem efter en dag på gymet?=)
Ash och Joe har gjort slut
visst kan det vara ett ryckte, men enligt seldemi.blogg.se så har du gjort slut:
Dom gjorde slut på ett bra sätt.Alltså båda var för upptagna medd jobb osv så dom bestämde sig för att göra slut. Och det sägs att dom har gjort slut för flera vackor sen!
ja alla förhållanden håller inte förevigt:( men vi som hoppades att det skulle gå bra för dom, ja vi kan ju inte tvinga Ash att vara med Joe om hon inte vill och dessutom så är båda väligt upptagna av sina jobb...
källa för:twitterbilden
källa för texten:seldemi.blogg.se
sista bilden har jag gjort själv med inspration från seldemi:D
Ny Photoshoot med Peter
älskar photoshooten!!;)behöver jag säga varför??
Ny bild på BooBoo
Jamie Campbell på premiären av “Killing Bono”
snygg som vanligt;)
Peter snackar om “Nurse Jackie” & “Bloody Nose”
Robsten på bio
Ash twitrar en bild
Nya bilder på Kellan utanför ett Hotell i Beverly Hills
ClevverTv-BD wedding scene
Fanmade video till Robsten
Är Kristen nya Meryl Streep??
Kristen Stewart, love or hate the "Twilight" series, showed that she could shake the Bella role and appear in two movies which she easily could have been nominated for Academy Awards. The first role was as Joan Jett in "The Runaways." Stewart played this part perfectly. What was interesting about the movie was the "The Runaways" was based off a book that lead singer Cherie Currie wrote yet was told from Jett's perspective. Stewart owned this movie and completely eliminated any resemblance to her role as Bella.
The next movie Stewart could have been nominated for was "Welcome to the Rileys." Stewart plays a beaten stripper named Mallory whose character goes from anger and pain to innocence and disobedience. Since her role in "Twilight" Stewart has progressively gotten better in each role she's taken on.
Why didn't Stewart get nominated for these parts? She's done what no other actress has accomplished - got fans and movie goers to believe she wasn't Bella from "Twilight." Stewart's star power revolves around her role and relationship with the "Twilight" series. Lots of times people can't shake off the notion that so and so was this person in this movie. This is what is happening to Stewart - she is being typecast as Bella by fans.
Meryl Streep is the greatest actress ever. She's been nominated for 16 Oscars, the most of any actor or actress. Although she's only won a couple of statues, Streep is synonymous with excellence. Her movies range from "Postcards From the Edge," "Out of Africa" and "Julie & Julia." But, Streep never had to go through what Stewart has gone through with "Twilight."
Thankfully for Stewart, she is an unbelievable actress and has taken each subsequent role and turned it into an Oscar worthy performance. More of these and she will definitely be in the same breath as Streep. And possibly then some.
asså ibland stör jag mig på när folk gemför "gammla" stjärnor med "nya" stjärnor..Men det här killen kanske vet vad han pratar om...
källan har jag länkat ut den 2 gånger ne vänt 3..;)
MTV intervjuvar Rob för Twilight
Ny bild på Ash o Kellan från filmen “A Warrior’s Heart”
Christian Serratos & Kiowa Gordon i Marsnumret av Zooey
Franska WFE postern
Peter Twittrar
ja det är ju bara ca ett och ett halvt år nu kvar.. och nästa år är det ju nästan bara animeringen som ska fixas:(
Ny bild på Taylor med ett fan
Bree Tanners andra liv som film??
The Twilight saga may be winding down, but that doesn’t mean our fanged friends can’t return for an encore! Jodelle Ferland, who played new vampire Bree Tanner in Eclipse, told HollywoodLife.comabout the chances of turning Stephenie Meyers‘ novella The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner into a movie. “I hope they’ll make a movie,” she told us March 10 at the 31st Annual Genie Awards. “It’s definitely a possibility.”
As for what Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are like on-set, Jodelle had nothing but positive things to say: “They’re amazing … Everyone on the set is so down to earth. None of them are divas. They’re just really nice people.”
jag tycker det kan bli bra. Jag har läst boken men det är ju kanska våldsama scener i boken så jag vet inte hur dom ska göra med dom scenerna..men vi får hoppas att boken blir film:D
Judi(aka Zafrina) träffar några fans
Grattis Kellan!!
Nya bilder från inspelningsplatsen
WFE-mest seda trailer
Rob-tajm på MTV
Två nya fanmade bilder
Kellans föddelsedag
Så här firade Kellan sin föddelsedag:
Grattis igen:))
WFE affischer pryder UK teater
Ash med ett fan
The funny side of Twilight
Ny fanmade bild

Älskar den!<3 Hon ritar någon för j*vla bra!! uräkta mig för mitt språk men ibland behövs det;)
Rykten eller?
Hittar du twilight stjärnan?

Kan du se Cam Gigandet??(aka James) Det gör jag..Han var med i The Young and the Restless (Soap Opera) inan han var med i Twilight. Något du visste??? Jag visste inte det iallfal inte förns jag läste det på Team-Twilights hemsida. Nå? har du hitat Cam? Inte? Han har en blå tröja. Ja nu hittade du han!!:D Ganska lika endå? Eller vad säger ni? Är Cam lik sig? Jag tycker det, på ansiktet. Undrar vilket år programet sändes?...
Nya bilder på Catherine Hardwicke från Texas Film Hall of Fame Awards
Dagens bild

asså jag älskar bilden:) Hon har en sån grymt fin klänning & priset lysser upp och säger:HÄR SER DU EN VINNARE!! Och det är vad Kristen är, en vinnare!!
Ash shoppar på “Whole Foods”
Älskar jeans-skjortan!! Min kompis säger att den finns på H&M, så ni som har nära och lusta att vilja ha tröjan,skynda er dit!;)
ett fan med Casey Lebow i Vancouver
Ny fanmade bild
Kristen Stewart drops the MTV award
asså visst ska man acceptera att någon gjorde bort sig..men det är ju såå roligt och hon avslutar det smidigt med ett" Hejdå"!! älskar det!! men det här lär ju man glömma bort om några dagar;)
Ny fanmade post
grymt fin!!!:D
Alex Meraz sista dag
älskar att du ha varit med dom här två "Crazy" åren:(
hoppas du hittar en ny film du kan vara med i;) så jag säger lycka till Alex med framtiden!!
Ny bild från Ash film Skateland
Ny fanmade bild

fanmade video till Robsten
jag älskar den!!<3 ni kanske har hört det kanska offta från mig men jag älskar typ allt!;)
Ny bild från BD

vet inte vad det är,, men bilden är jätte vacker:)) dom kanske spelar in (spolier!)...scenen när Voltorie kommer??
Nikki på UK
Intervju med Nikki
Breaking Dawn | The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 | Nikki Reed | Hollywood Dailies | Movie Trailer | Review
om ni lyssnar på slutet kommer ni tappa örorna;) ne skämtade bara men dom använder "kanska" mycket pengar...
Några "Twilight stjänor" var på Genie Awards
Recept på Robs favorit salad
Ny bild från WFE
Dagens skratt!
Fira Kristens föddelsedag genom att ge bort pengar till bort sprugna barn
To celebrate Kristen Stewart’s birthday on April 9th, Twilightish, PattzStewGlobal and the Saturday Sites have joined together to raise money for Covenant House, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping child runaways get off the streets.
In her recent Vogue interview, Kristen said that “Her plan is to find a way to help teenage runaways get back on their feet, a subject close to her heart after her role in Welcome to the Rileys.” What better birthday present than to help fulfill Kristen’s wish.
21 other sites have joined in our efforts and will be promoting this project with us until April 9th, Kristen’s birthday, at which point all funds raised will be given to Covenant House in Kristen Stewart’s name.
Jag kan inte donera för jag är bara 12 (snart 13) år. Men ni som vill eller vill läsa på mer kan ju trycka här eller på bilden:) om jag själv var över 18 skulle jag kanske göra det. Själv vet jag inte om det går att donera från Svergie. Men om det är någon som har donerat kan ju kanske kommentera om det går:)
Pappa Black vs Pappa Cullens

HAHA;) vem tror du vinner?? haehe skämmta bara;) men är bilden inte för rolig??:]
två nya fanmadebilder
Fanmade bild till Robsten
Svar på komentarer "ny fanmade bild" & "Kellan hjälper till"
tack för berömmet:D
Hej på dig med;)
jag kanske anmäller mig,, HÖRNI ni som ser det här kan anmälla er till Jennies fredagsintervju.
Ni ska typ svara på frågor om vad ni tycker om twilight,,för att komma till hennes fan sida tryck HÄR!!
Tack för era komentare:)) då vet jag att de är några som läser den;)
twilight vs Red Riding Hood
NY outtakes på BooBoo och Fivel Stewart
Grattis i efterskott!!:D
Kellan hjälper till!:D
OK fine, so the “Twilight” star is worth all the hype. Not only is he dreamy, he’s talented, smart andgenuinely involved in issues that matter. Instead of littering his Twitter feed today with 140-character party recaps, he’s populated it with tweets dedicated to the St. Bernard Project (SBP)’s New Orleans restoration efforts.
Shortly after AnnaLynne McCord introduced Lutz to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort, the actor decided to do more than simply donate to New Orleans’ reconstruction–Lutz traveled to the disaster-stricken area to get involved.
“Until I was in New Orleans and saw the devastation firsthand, I had no idea about the extent of the enduring needs,” said Lutz. “I met families who were living in FEMA trailers or their gutted homes for five years after Katrina.”
Shortly after, Lutz signed on to get his hands dirty in N.O. , rebuilding homes and changing lives with SBP, which has already reconstructed more than 350 houses and provided mental health resources for residents.
This Mardi Gras, Lutz is serving as grand marshal of SBP’s “Get on the Float” campaign, which helps drive donations directly into home reconstruction efforts. You can get involved by donating or volunteering in the area. As an added bonus, everyone who donates will be entered to win autographed “Twilight” memorabilia from Lutz and his castmates, as well as the chance to have@kellanlutz shout them out on Twitter for their gift. He plans to tweet about a different contributor daily.
WOW,,Jag tycker han är fantastisk som hjälper till:) Kellan har hjälpt till med andra grejer också;)
alla älskar hårda killar med ett hjärta av guld:D inte sant?
Nya fanmade bild!!
Stephenie Meyer pratar om BD
Påmining om Flecking Awards
Ni kanske kom ihåg mitt inlägg om Flecking Awards? Där bla. Kristen kan vinna priset "Best Actress". Om du vill rösa eller läsa mer tryck här (du kommer direkt till sidan för röstning) RÖSTA inan det är för sent!!
fanmade bild
Robert Pattinson vs Russell Brand
Ny bild på Denalis hus

Att bära en likadan klännig som kollegan kan inte vara bra! Hoppas det inte händer igen..man vill ju inte dyka upp på rödamattan och upptäka att någon anan har en likadan klänning som dig själv!! Skärpning!
Nikki på premiären av Red Riding Hood
lika vacker som vanligt;)
Happy B-day Chaske!
grattis på 36-årsdagen:D
Vanity Fair i GIF-format
Mer bilder från WFE
Ny stilbild från Billy Burkes film ‘Drive Angry’
Red Riding Hood premiär-Fashion Recap
Intervju med 100 Monkeys
Ny Breaking Dawn bild!
Ny fanmadebild
Nya bilder på Chaske Spencer & Alex Meraz
Kristen vill gifta sig
Kristen Stewart är bara 20 år,men hon har redan tankar på giftermål-fast inte än på ett tag.
-Jag är inte redo att gifta mig,men jag kommer från en stor familj och jag skulle vilja ha det själv också en vacker dag,säger hon i en intervju.
källa:tidningen Julia Nr.20(2010)
Xavier Samuels nya film "A few best man"
Information om Tinsel Koreys och Kiowa Gordons föddelsedag
Dakota Fanning om Robert och att spela Jane
Tidningen Julia frågade Dakota om hon tyckte Robert Pattinson är snygg.
-Ja,han är jättesnygg,men det är även de andra killarna i "Eclipse"! Jag hoppade på chansen att spela Jane Volturi utan att tveka. Jag älskar böckerna och jag såg det som en stor utmaning att spela med i filmerna. Kristen och jag har blivit goda vänner och vi spelade nyligen in filmen "The Runaways" tillsammans. Filmen handlar om ett legendariskt tjejrockband från 1970-talet och vi spelar rockjtärnor. Det var en rolig upplevelse, Säger Dakota.
OBS! den är informationen har jag tagit direkt från tidningen, den finns inte på Julias hemsida som jag länkade i början.
Dakota är nu i Vancouver

visste ni att Dakota bara är 17 år gammal? Hon var den yngsta i twilight-gänget i Eclipse näst efter Jodelle som spelade Bree. Och för er som inte vet vem Dakota är så är det hon som spelar Jane Volturi.
Dagens skratt
Kristens roliga och söta stunder
haha;) big smile för videon:D
Möt vampyren från Europa
Name: Joe Anderson
Twilight role: Alistair (Vampire, one of the European nomads)
Alistair is an English nomadic vampire, and a friend of Carlisle Cullen. He can sense a living being at a distance further than most vampires can.
Lite om Joe:
Debut Twilight film: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part I
Birthdate: March 26, 1982
Hails from: England
Most popular other works: Across the Universe, Becoming Jane, The Crazies, Control, The Ruins
Upcoming roles: The Grey, Lives of the Saints
IMDB profile: Click here
då har vi änu en till säker vampyr!;)
Breaking Dawn trailern på MTV Movie Awards?
vi får väll hoppas på det!;)
OBS! jag sökte mig runt på youtube när jag hittade klippet,så jag har inte hittat det här klippet på någons blogg!:)
Underbar fanmade video till Kristen och Rob
jag älskar den<3
Peter med ett fan
WFE är klar!
Taylor med trefans
mer roliga twifrågor med Chris Weitz
hahaa endel får en att lee:D
och för er som undrar vem Chris är så är det han som reseserade(långt ord) New Moon:))
Exclusive:Kläderna från Breaking Dawn!!
Bella kläder ser lite anurlunda ut..skorna har klakar och så har hon såna där tajts som Rosalie hade i Eclipse.
anars ser kläderna ut som vanligt typ..eller?
BooBoo med ett fan
Dagens bild

visst är dom finna tillsamans?:)
..ps..ni kanske minns att det var svinkalt den dagen dom filmade? Det är därför Kristen fick ha en kofta...
Några fans frågade Chris hur det var att jobba med New Moon & Rob
änumera fanmde bilder:)

Bella/Kristen ser lite sur ut på andra bilden;) och jag måste bara säga att sista bilden är Amazing!!<3
Jag kommer aldrig sluta tröttna på fanmadebilder:D eller vad tror ni?;)
fanmade trailer til BD
AMAZING!AMAZING!<3 älskar den!!:)
Rob ska spela Renesmees "lullaby" den här vackan!!

sä här säger hollywoodlife.com:
Seriously, what can’t Robert Pattinson do? The 24-year-old isn’t just a talented actor, but he’s also an amazing musician! Carter Burwell, the genius behind the original Twilight soundtrack is back to compose the score for the final two installments — and he tweeted that he’s written the music for one of the most anticipated scenes in the movie!
“Just wrote ‘Renesmee’s Lullaby’ for Twilight Breaking Dawn,” Carter tweeted Feb. 5. “Rob Pattinson will play it on camera this week.”
And Rob’s already had two songs on the Twilight soundtrack, “Never Think” and Let Me Sign!” Carter wrote on his blog that many films have to pretend that their actors are playing the piano or other instruments, but not Rob!
“Many films have an actor sitting at a keyboard, swaying back and forth, pretending to play music that was only written after the film has been shot and edited,” Carter writes. “This case was unusual in that Rob is a fine musician, and fully capable of playing the piano or probably any other instrument
happy face:D
mer fanmade bilder
2 bilder på Tinsel Korey-förbereder sig för BD

asså vad gör hon??:O hon har ju blåttgeg över hela ansiktiet!
så här skriver team-twilight:Here are 2 new pics of the lovely Tinsel Korey as she sits in the make up chair while they prepare a cast of her face in preparation for her role as “Emily” in Breaking Dawn.
jag ser ut som ett frågetecken?..//eftertanke:hon har ju dom där r:en som hon fick av Sam,,det är kanske det dom gör? eller vad tror ni???
Kellan har nu landat i Vancouver:)
har är ju bara för gulig:)han pratade med alla och svarade lite på frågorna som paparazzisarna frågade.
"Do you want a hug?" !YES!
Ny fanmadepost
Gammal bild med Ash och Jackson
Gil Birmingham & Chaske Spencer är ute och går i Vancouver
två nya fanmade bilder

älskar dom!!<3 eller vad säger ni?:)
Dom Officiella datumen när "Water for Elefants" går på bio!

så ni ser försökte jag ringa in datumet..det står "Sweden 15 April 11" om ni inte ser:)
det är tur att vi får se den i April,,det är många länder som vissar den i Maj:)
Intervju med BooBoo och hans syrra
BooBoo and Fivel Stewart talked to Fan Quarterly about their upcoming music album, as well as fans and the Twilight conventions.
FQ: In terms of that album of all the songs on the album is there any particular one you feel has the most meaning to you?
BS: The title song “Change” probably because that’s all about changes you know what I mean. The last song on our album could be our favorite, you just never know.
FQ: BooBoo, I wanna ask you a Twilight convention question. Is there anything in particular that you’re looking forward to about the conventions?
BS: I’ve been doing them for a while and they’re just really cool. You get to meet all kinds of people and get to do a Q&A and it’s just really cool.
FQ: Have either one of you had any really fun fan encounters?
BS: I remember one time this lady, she is probably late 30s, we were taking a picture together and then after the picture she asked if I wanted to make out.
FS: I actually haven’t which I’m pretty thankful for. Everyone has been really nice though.
Read the whole interview here.
källa: team-twilight
Intervju med Rachelle(aka Victoria;twilight&Newmoon)
Talking to Rachelle LeFevre is like drinking cherry soda — all fizzy, tasty fun. When the Montreal-born actress phones from Hawaii, where she’s shooting Off the Map, the new ABC TV series created by Shonda Rhimes (Grey’s Anatomy), you can practically hear the bubbles popping through the line. “I’m sitting outside on the grass. It’s so amazingly beautiful, and I just took my first yoga class in two years,” she burbles, as birds chirp in the background. “I was so full of bliss I thought I was going to burst into tears in class. ‘I’m having a moment of grounded stillness!’ That’s rare for me, because I’m always like, Boing! Boing!”
You don’t have to know her long to agree with her. Rachelle, a 32-year-old stunner with tumbling red hair and a pyrotechnic smile, is a woman whose lights are always on. She says “totally!” instead of “yes” and “awesome!” when she means, “I agree.” But it’s not hyperbole; she really does seem to Feel! and Enjoy! more than the average human does. And with two feature films out at the end of 2010, she’s on a roll that would make anyone giddy.
No wonder she was “heartbroken” about being dropped from the Twilight series. “Playing Victoria changed the landscape of my career,” Rachelle admits. But when a scheduling conflict arose between Twilight’s third instalment and Barney’s Version, the franchise’s producers replaced Rachelle with Bryce Dallas Howard. Bravely, Rachelle released a statement that said she wasn’t leaving by choice. “That franchise has the most unbelievable fan base — we’re talking about 13-year-olds who saved up their allowances to see it eight times — and the idea that they would think I’d opted out made me angry,” she says. “I wanted to say, ‘I know what I had here; I didn’t throw it away,’ then move on. Now, there are many other things in my life that I love.”
Q & A
What is the last great book you read?
Eat, Pray, Love. I am late to the party, but I finally got there.What part of the world is next on your list?
Paris.What is your favourite comfort food?
Ice cream: Baskin Robbins’ Mint Chip and Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia.Who do you consider a misunderstood historical figure?
Jesus.What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Gossip Girl.Which words do you most overuse?
Dude and genius . . . ”Dude, that is genius!”Which gadget could you never give up?
My BlackBerry.Who has been the most influential political figure for you?
Obama.What’s the most exciting part of your job? And what’s the most tedious part?
The most exciting part is all the travel. Constantly having to worry about my appearance and size is obviously the most tedious.What song do you sing in the shower?
“Defying Gravity” from Wicked.What’s your favourite cocktail or drink?
An Eastside cocktail, which is gin, muddled lime, cucumber and mint.Who or what do you live for?
My little sister, who’s 13.
Read more here!
källa team-twilight
Dakota i Vogue Magazine 2010
ser ni henne?:D
Dakota spelar Jane i New moon & Eclipse:)
källa: cullens-news
(hon är i mitten;))
Passar Kristen som snövitt?

eller vad tycker ni? jag tror hon kommer passa perfekt! även om hon inte är den sorten typen..
Good luck for you new movie Kristen!:D
Rob på premiären av Harry Potter och den flamande bägaren
Ashley Greene i UK Glamour
Rachelle ska vara med i en TV-serie
(aka Victoria;twilight&newmoon)
Rachelle Lefevre has been cast as the lead in a new TV drama called The Crossing. Since Rachelle currently stars in ABC’s Off the Map, her role in The Crossing is contingent on whether Off the Map stays on the air. According to Deadline:
Twilight alumna Rachelle Lefevre has been tapped as the female lead in the NBC drama pilot The Crossing. Written by Josh Brand, it is set in a Missouri town during the post-Civil War Reconstruction era and centers on Jason, a Civil War soldier who crosses the country and settles into a complicated town where he is welcomed as its savior. Lefevre will play Anna, a war widow in the town who watched helplessly as Union soldiers burned her husband and two little boys alive in their barn. Now living with her five-year-old daughter, Anna is smitten with Jason at first meeting and embarks on a torrid affair with the troubled outsider.
undrar om den kommer gå i svergie också?
Kristen SKA spela Snövitt

bra:D för er som inte vet har det gått rykte om att Kristen kanske ska spela Snövitt..och nu har hon fåt rollen!;)
tycker han passar perfekt!
vad omslagsbilderna på bökerna representerar
Om jag kunde drömma:
På framsidan av boken är det två bleka händer som håller i ett rött äpple. Äpplet ska representera Edward Cullen, som framställs som den förbjudna frukten.
När jag hör din röst:
På bokens omslag är det en blomma som tappar ett blad. Blomman ska representera Bella och bladet ska antagligen representera Edward, inte allt för långt bort, men utom räckhåll.
Ljudet av ditt hjärta:
På omslaget är ett nästan avslitet rött band. Bandet står för valet som Bella måste göra. Hon måste välja mellan sin kärlek till vampyren Edward Cullen eller sin vänskap med varulven Jacob Black. Stephenie Meyer har även sagt att bandet står för att Bella inte helt och hållet kan slita sig loss från sitt mänskliga liv.
Så länge vi båda andas:
Omslaget består av två schackpjäser: en röd bonde i bakgrunden, och en vit dam längst fram. Det symboliserar vad Bella från början var - en svag bonde - till det hon nu växt till - en stark dam.
något ni visste?
svart på komentarer för Ashs film & nya fanmadebilder
Ny/gammal bild med Taylor tillsmmans med Selena &David Henrie

(Selena & David är med i Magi på Waverly Place(serie på disney channel))
Nya fanmade bilder
Intervju med Jackson om BD
Ashley Greene’s Radio Free Albemuth Movie Trailer
Radio Free Albemuth movie trailer
Uploaded by blankytwo. - Check out other Film & TV videos.
fattar inte vad den handlar om...
svar på komentar
Sexuella tankar:
förstår inte riktigt vad du menar?..men en glad smilis är iallafall något positift:)(stavning?)
mer bilder från WFE

för er som inte vet är Rob med i en film som heter Water for Elephants(WFE) som har premiär i april:)
första trailern för WFE på TV
Dagens bild:))
Dagens fanmade-bild
Vem bar den bäst?
Vad tycker ni?
Amanda(Mamma Mia!,Letters to Juliet..) eller Kristen??
själv kan jag inte bestäma mig..Kristens svarta var nog snyggast;)
Twilight-gänget nominerad för Flecking Awards
Best Actor:
Robert Pattinson
Taylor Lautner
Best Actress:
Kristen Stewart
Best Film:
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Most Stylish Male:
Robert Pattinson
Taylor Lautner
Best Hair Do:
Robert Pattinson
Sexiest Male:
Robert Pattinson
Taylor Lautner
Sexiest Vampire:
Robert Pattinson
Kellan Lutz
Jackson Rathbone
Peter Facinelli
Charlie Bewley
för att rösta tryck här
Kellan kommer fira sin föddelsedag på Pure Nightclub
önskar man var inbjuden;)
Reese Witherspoon är team Edward
While at the 2011 Oscars, the 34-year-old actress talked about her upcoming movie Water For Elephants. “I’m really excited about the movie,” she said. “It stars Robert Pattinson and Christoph Waltz. It’s a beautiful story about a 1930s circus and it’s a love story. It’s really nice. I saw it last week and it’s great.”
When asked if everyone in her family now wore Team Edward T-shirts, Reese laughed and said, “I guess I have to be Team Edward now as I know Rob so well!”
Ny bild på Rob från WFE
han är så grymt snygg!!:D
Rob kommer var med i The Tonight Show den 18mars
Grattis Bryce Dallas Howard!
(aka Victoria i Eclipse)
Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards
Ny fanmadebild
Möt vampyrerna i Breaking Dawn
Name : Christian Camargo
Twilight Role : Eleazar (Vampire of the Denali Coven)
Eleazar is a vampire member of the Denali Coven. He was originally a guard of the Volturi until he met his mate Carmen, leaving the Volturi to follow her. Soon after parting ways with the Volturi, Carmen and himself joined the Denali Coven many years after it was established. Eleazar is a “vegetarian” although he wasn’t always one. Edward said that if they had never found the Denali Coven, both Carmen and Eleazar would find another way to live, one way or the other.
Name : Mía Maestro
Twilight role : Carmen (Vampire of the Denali Coven)Carmen is a vampire member of the Denali Coven. Carmen and her mate, Eleazar , joined the Denali “sisters” after Eleazar left the Voluturi . She is a “vegetarian” and lives a very peaceful lifestyle. She appears to know quite a few languages.
Name : Maggie Grace
Twilight role : Irina (Vampire of the Denali Coven)Irina was a vampire, one of the original Denali “sisters” and an originator of the myth of the succubus. She was a “vegetarian” and led a very peaceful lifestyle. She and Laurent had a relationship before he was killed by the shape-shifters in New Moon. Irina was killed by Caius after giving false information to the Volturi about Renesmee Cullen.
Name : Casey LaBow
Twilight role : Kate (Vampire of the Denali Coven)Katrina, more commonly known as Kate, is a vegetarian vampire and one of the “original” Denali sisters. She has a strong relationship with her coven, as well as with the Olympic Coven , and the Denalis consider themselves to be the Cullen’s extended family or “cousins”. Kate is strong-minded and has the talent of creating a mental electric current on her skin which shocks anyone who comes into contact with her.She and Garrett become mates in Part 3 of Breaking Dawn, just before the confrontation with the Volturi. He is willing to sacrifice his more “traditional” vampire lifestyle and become a vegetarian.
Name : Myanna Buring
Twilight role : Tanya (Vampire of the Denali Coven)Tanya is a vampire and the leader of the Denali Coven in Alaska. Like the Cullen family, Tanya and her coven also live a “vegetarian ” lifestyle, feeding on wild animal blood rather than humans. Tanya initially had a “crush” on Edward Cullen , which is shown in Midnight Sun.
Vad tycker ni? passar dom??
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asså lyckos alla som bor i Vancouver!!
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roligt att du gillade designen:)
jag har tagigt designen från designblogg.blogg.se där kan alla kan ta gratis designer.
och själv klart ska jag titta in på din blogg:D
Intervju med Jackson Rathbone
Nya bilder från BD-inspelningen(Jacobs hus)
Rob & Taylor var med i The Tyra Banks Show
hahahah..kan inte sluta skratta och dom gör ett mistag också dom skrev "Edward Pattinson" hahaha!!:D
Vanity Fair-Robert
önskar att man kan läsa det som står..
två nya fanmade bilder
en än gång: JAG ÄLSKAR FANART<3
behöver jag säga farför?
det var inte överaskningen!!:D

jag trode det var det,,men det verkar vara någont anat såå vi får vänta 2 veckor till:(
Xavier Samuel och gänget från ‘A Few Best Men’
..ps..det står:Xavier Samuel och gänget från ‘A Few Best Men’ om ni inte ser hela rubriken..
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Taylor med några fans
jag vill också träffa Taylor:(
Renesmee som tonåring?
fanmade bild:)

alltså jag säger det igen: JAG ÄLSKAR FANMADE BILDER<3
dom som ritar är något grymt duktiga jag kan inte rita såna där bilder^^