Kristens stil
älskar hennes klädval:D
Intervju med Justin Chon
Ash och Joe är och handlar;)
hehe dålig kvaletet på bilden..;)
Billy Burke på premiär av "Drive Angry 3D"
Robs 'Vanity Fair' Photoshoot (bakom scenen)
Kellan med ett fan
Mackenzie på Vancouvers flyggplats
Marcus Foster om vänskapen med Rob
A recording studio in a converted church is an apt setting for a TLOBF interview with singer-songwriter Marcus Foster. The gods have clearly blessed the Londoner with an array of talents; he is a multi-instrumentalist, an artist (he paints and sculpts) and has a beautifully evocative singing voice. His debut EP Tumble Down is a glorious fusion of Jeff Buckley, Tom Waits and The Band. Foster is so annoyingly gifted, that his publicist describes him as ‘where Michael Jackson meets Jesus’. We assume he is joking. Thankfully, Marcus turns out to be charming and more than happy to admit to an array of childhood misdemeanours. Oh, and by the way, he is best friends with Robert Pattinson.
Is that how you also got a song in one of the Twilight films?
That was a different thing. That just came about as an accident. I just happen to be friends, well best friends, with the guy who is in the films.
Like who – Robert Pattinson?
Yes, he just took one the songs and ended up, yeah, putting it in the film.
Er, backtrack please. You are best friends with Robert Pattinson? As in, teen-idol, Robert Pattinson? You kept that quiet, that’s a pretty big deal.
It is not a big deal for me, because he always used to play and sing my songs for years and years and years.
From your body language, I can see you are not hugely comfortable talking about this?
Well, it’s something that happened two years ago. But it was great; it allowed me to tour America and Canada twice. I was playing sold out shows in every state in America – it was crazy. I went out by myself for the first tour and it was a good opportunity to test the water. I got a taste of touring and travelling.
Taylors autograf blev tatuering
När ett fan visade upp sin gigantiska tatuering av Twilightfilmernas varulfsgäng blev Taylor Lautner imponerad.
Han skrev sin aotograf på hennes hud vid tatueringen. Dagen efter fick han reda på att han låtit göra hans namnteckning till en tatuering.
-Kristen förutspådde att det skulle hända. Hon sa "jag slår vad om att det där fanet kommer tatuera in din signatur på sin arm". Och jag sa typ "Neeej", berättar varulvsskådisen.
källa: tidningen Julia
Taylor ska göra som Cruise
Taylor Lautner har huvudrollen i kommande actionfilmen Abduction. John Singleton heter han som regisserar filmen och John har gett ett gott råd till Taylor. Rådet är att se och lära från Tom Cruise och försöka få en likadan karriär som Tom har haft med många olika typer av roller.
-Twilight var en jättebra film för Taylors karriär. Han är redanen ikon. Men nu är det frågan vad han gör med sin status,säger John.
texten har jag tagit från tidnigen Julia
Ny bild på Boo Boo
Boo Boo twitrade den här bilden när han spelade in i en studieo:)
älskar hans smeknamn;) källa
Xavier Samuel på Tropfest Film Festival
Rösta på Robert!
Robert Pattinson has been named best-dressed man of the year by the British edition of “GQ” magazine.
The “Twilight” star bet off stiff competition from the likes of David Beckham and Tom Ford to land the coveted spot.
The London-born actor is famous for his messy hair and hipster style, but does spruce up well for his black tie event appearances.
Stable items in his wardrobe include Gucci tailored suits, flannel shirts and leather jackets ... and how could we forget the mandatory beanie hat!
However, despite his demure appearances on the catwalk the star has taken the grungy look too far in the past, wearing shaggy outfits that almost make him unrecognizable.
om ni vill rösta tyck här:)
Gammal bild på Dakota
älskar bilden:D
Mackenzie, Mia och MyAnna är nu i Vancouver
Mackenzie spelar Renesmee, Mia Maesto spelar Carmen och SENSKA MyAnna Buring spelar Tanya:DMyAnna
blev lite happy när jag såg att Myanna är svensk!:D
bilder från Ash´s fest
tårtan ser inte ä man vet ju aldrig;)
Joe Jonas present till Ashley
Joe Jonas sure knows how to charm his girlfriend Ashley Greene.
At her 24th birthday celebration at Las Vegas’s Pure Nightclub on Saturday, the Twilight beauty donned a form-fitting black cocktail dress and sported a gold Chanel charm bracelet on her right wrist. The latter was a gift from Jonas.
“The funny thing about it is when I got it, my boyfriend said it’s vintage Coach – and I was like ‘Thanks so much.’ And then I put it on and was like, ‘Oh my god, this is Chanel,’ ” Greene said, letting out a scream.
“It was very cute and sweet and adorable to me because my boyfriend gave it to me,” she said. “Coach, Chanel, [it] makes no difference to him … [But] I absolutely love it because he knows what I like.”
With Jonas joining her at the soiree, Greene danced seductively with her boyfriend and partied the night away at the Candy Land-themed bash, complete with oversized lollipops and an over-the-top, three-tiered birthday cake.
Despite the sugar rush and the new bling, Greene said her best gift wasn’t something that was purchased.
“I know this is cheesy,” she said, “but the biggest gift to me was having my best friends fly in to celebrate with me.”
Text källa: cullens
bild källa: cullens
Prom Style Guide 2011-Kristen Stewart
Spola fram till 5.15 om ni inte vill se om Taylor Swift och miley.
Dom pratar om vad du kan ha till ballen:) så ni som går i nian och ska ha ball eller något liknaden kan ju kolla;)
Interjuv med Kiowa Gordon
Nya outtakes på Rob för Vogue Magazine