Judi(aka Zafrina) träffar några fans
Hittar du twilight stjärnan?

Kan du se Cam Gigandet??(aka James) Det gör jag..Han var med i The Young and the Restless (Soap Opera) inan han var med i Twilight. Något du visste??? Jag visste inte det iallfal inte förns jag läste det på Team-Twilights hemsida. Nå? har du hitat Cam? Inte? Han har en blå tröja. Ja nu hittade du han!!:D Ganska lika endå? Eller vad säger ni? Är Cam lik sig? Jag tycker det, på ansiktet. Undrar vilket år programet sändes?...
ett fan med Casey Lebow i Vancouver
Alex Meraz sista dag
älskar att du ha varit med dom här två "Crazy" åren:(
hoppas du hittar en ny film du kan vara med i;) så jag säger lycka till Alex med framtiden!!
Några "Twilight stjänor" var på Genie Awards
Pappa Black vs Pappa Cullens

HAHA;) vem tror du vinner?? haehe skämmta bara;) men är bilden inte för rolig??:]
Ny stilbild från Billy Burkes film ‘Drive Angry’
Nya bilder på Chaske Spencer & Alex Meraz
Xavier Samuels nya film "A few best man"
Information om Tinsel Koreys och Kiowa Gordons föddelsedag
Peter med ett fan
mer roliga twifrågor med Chris Weitz
hahaa endel får en att lee:D
och för er som undrar vem Chris är så är det han som reseserade(långt ord) New Moon:))
Några fans frågade Chris hur det var att jobba med New Moon & Rob
Gil Birmingham & Chaske Spencer är ute och går i Vancouver
Intervju med Rachelle(aka Victoria;twilight&Newmoon)
Talking to Rachelle LeFevre is like drinking cherry soda — all fizzy, tasty fun. When the Montreal-born actress phones from Hawaii, where she’s shooting Off the Map, the new ABC TV series created by Shonda Rhimes (Grey’s Anatomy), you can practically hear the bubbles popping through the line. “I’m sitting outside on the grass. It’s so amazingly beautiful, and I just took my first yoga class in two years,” she burbles, as birds chirp in the background. “I was so full of bliss I thought I was going to burst into tears in class. ‘I’m having a moment of grounded stillness!’ That’s rare for me, because I’m always like, Boing! Boing!”
You don’t have to know her long to agree with her. Rachelle, a 32-year-old stunner with tumbling red hair and a pyrotechnic smile, is a woman whose lights are always on. She says “totally!” instead of “yes” and “awesome!” when she means, “I agree.” But it’s not hyperbole; she really does seem to Feel! and Enjoy! more than the average human does. And with two feature films out at the end of 2010, she’s on a roll that would make anyone giddy.
No wonder she was “heartbroken” about being dropped from the Twilight series. “Playing Victoria changed the landscape of my career,” Rachelle admits. But when a scheduling conflict arose between Twilight’s third instalment and Barney’s Version, the franchise’s producers replaced Rachelle with Bryce Dallas Howard. Bravely, Rachelle released a statement that said she wasn’t leaving by choice. “That franchise has the most unbelievable fan base — we’re talking about 13-year-olds who saved up their allowances to see it eight times — and the idea that they would think I’d opted out made me angry,” she says. “I wanted to say, ‘I know what I had here; I didn’t throw it away,’ then move on. Now, there are many other things in my life that I love.”
Q & A
What is the last great book you read?
Eat, Pray, Love. I am late to the party, but I finally got there.What part of the world is next on your list?
Paris.What is your favourite comfort food?
Ice cream: Baskin Robbins’ Mint Chip and Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia.Who do you consider a misunderstood historical figure?
Jesus.What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Gossip Girl.Which words do you most overuse?
Dude and genius . . . ”Dude, that is genius!”Which gadget could you never give up?
My BlackBerry.Who has been the most influential political figure for you?
Obama.What’s the most exciting part of your job? And what’s the most tedious part?
The most exciting part is all the travel. Constantly having to worry about my appearance and size is obviously the most tedious.What song do you sing in the shower?
“Defying Gravity” from Wicked.What’s your favourite cocktail or drink?
An Eastside cocktail, which is gin, muddled lime, cucumber and mint.Who or what do you live for?
My little sister, who’s 13.
Read more here!
källa team-twilight
Rachelle ska vara med i en TV-serie
(aka Victoria;twilight&newmoon)
Rachelle Lefevre has been cast as the lead in a new TV drama called The Crossing. Since Rachelle currently stars in ABC’s Off the Map, her role in The Crossing is contingent on whether Off the Map stays on the air. According to Deadline:
Twilight alumna Rachelle Lefevre has been tapped as the female lead in the NBC drama pilot The Crossing. Written by Josh Brand, it is set in a Missouri town during the post-Civil War Reconstruction era and centers on Jason, a Civil War soldier who crosses the country and settles into a complicated town where he is welcomed as its savior. Lefevre will play Anna, a war widow in the town who watched helplessly as Union soldiers burned her husband and two little boys alive in their barn. Now living with her five-year-old daughter, Anna is smitten with Jason at first meeting and embarks on a torrid affair with the troubled outsider.
undrar om den kommer gå i svergie också?
Ny bild på Rob från WFE
han är så grymt snygg!!:D
Rob kommer var med i The Tonight Show den 18mars
Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards
Ashley med ett fan i Vancouver
asså lyckos alla som bor i Vancouver!!