Xavier Samuel ut i NYC
Breaking dawns Mia Maestro ska vara med i The Darkness of the Road
“TheTwilight Saga’s” Mia Maestro will star in Maya Entertainment’s psychological thriller “The Darkness of the Road.”
Maestro, who played Carmen in Summit Entertainment’s franchise, will play a young mother whose daughter disappears after picking up a mysterious hitchhiker.
Eduardo Rodriguez (“Fear Itself,” “Curandero”) wrote the screenplay and will direct.
Luis Guerrero and Chris Lemos of Vital Pictures will produce with Sandra Avila and Moctesuma Esparza of Maya Entertainment.
Maya will distribute the movie domestically.
läs mer här
Intervju med Billy Burke

I en exklusiv intervju med Twilightish pratar Billy Burke (Charlie Swan) om hur det var att filma in bröllops scenen och att vara Team Jacob eller Edward:
Twilightish: Did you find it emotional to watch Bella get married?
Billy: You know what? It wasn't so much that it was emotional. Those days we were shooting the wedding, in all honesty, there was something about them that brought stuff up not only in me, but in other people on the set. Something that was visceral. We ended up saying "this is kinda weird isn't it?" I can't explain what it was, it wasn't like my daughter was getting married, but there was definitely something that was quite touching going on.
Twilightish: Were you ever Team Jacob? Or do you think Charlie would have chosen Edward between the two?
Billy: I have never played that game. I suppose had I ever read the books I may have had a stronger opinion, but I just don't care. Sorry! It's not my thing. I think Taylor and Rob are great guys but I don't get into the fantasy world of picking a favorite boy character.
Michael Sheen(Aro) på LA premiären för Midnight in Paris
BD skådisen Wendell Pierce(har någon biroll i filmen) ska vara med i en ny film!
(rubriken: Breaking dawn skådisen Wendell Pierce(har någon biroll i filmen) ska vara med i en nya film!)
Wendell Pierce is playing a yet-to-be-revealed supporting role in Breaking Dawn, but it has just been announced that he’ll be playing blue legend B.B. King in an upcoming biographical film entitled B.B. King and I. Congrats to Wendell!
The excellent Shadow and Act, the latest addition to the indieWire family, have confirmed a tweet from the actor (Bunk’s on Twitter? We know who we’re following today) announcing that he’ll play legendary blues star B.B King in a new film focusing on the singer’s relationship with a young musician, “B.B. King And I.”
The film is written by Michael Zanetis & Melora Donoghue, and Zanetis himself, a former jazz drummer turned night club owner, serves as the ‘I’ of the title, and it looks like he’ll be played by “Almost Famous” star Patrick Fugit. The film’s official site provides a lengthy synopsis of the project that fills in some details.
Wendell Pierce spelar en yet-to-be-visade biroll i Breaking Dawn, men det har just meddelat att han kommer att spela blå legend BB King i en kommande biografisk film med titeln BB King och I. Grattis till Wendell!
Den utmärkta Shadow och lagen, det senaste tillskottet till indieWire familj, har bekräftat en tweet från skådespelaren (Bunk är på Twitter? Vi vet vem vi följande dag) meddelade att han ska spela legendariska blues star BB King i en ny film fokus på sångarens förhållande med en ung musiker, "BB King och I. "
Filmen är skriven av Michael Zanetis & Melora Donoghue, och Zanetis själv, en före detta jazztrummis vände ägare nattklubb, fungerar som "jag" i titeln, och det verkar som att han kommer att spelas av "Almost Famous"-stjärnan Patrick Fugit. Filmens officiella webbplats är en lång sammanfattning av de projekt som fyller i vissa detaljer.
Lite dålig översätning men men..OM ni kopiera kom ihåg att ange mig som källan!!
Michael Sheen på 2011 Cannes Film Festival
Rachel McAdams and her boyfriend Michael Sheen(aka Aro) take a stroll while taking in all the 2011 Cannes Film Festival has to offer on Friday (May 13) in Cannes, France.
Alex Meraz & Edi Gathegi på lunch för Samsung Infuse 4G
Bryce Dallas Howard på premiären av hennes nya film ‘Restless’
Nya bilder på Alex Meraz från ‘The City of Gardens’
Nya stills från Xaviers ‘A Few Best Men’
Sam Gigandet på lekplatsen med dottern
Ny Photoshoot med Alex Meraz!
Bronson Pelletier i Hyrdogen Magazine
Jamie Campbell Bower sjunger "Party in the USA"!
åå GUD!!:D hittade klippet på Youtube och garvade sönder!!! haha;)
Men visste ni att han har varit med i Sweeney Todd? Kanska gammal film tror jag men GUD vad jag garvade!!:P
Nya stills på Xavier Samuel i ‘Sanctuary’
Eclipse’s Xavier Samuel appears in the film Sanctuary, directed by Xav’s brother Benedict Samuel. The film comes from Azure Productions and was filmed last fall. Here are details from production company’s website:
After witnessing her father’s murder, Lia is institutionalized to help her recover, but the memory of her father’s murder continues to haunt her. As a coping strategy she retreats to her Sanctuary where her memories and the real world start to collide.
Check out lots more stills and behind-the-scenes photos from the set HERE.
Gil Birmingham & Chaske Spencer på ‘NAIIA’
Xavier Samuel på Louis Vuitton/Glamour event
Maggie Grace & Mia Maestro på “A Night in Portofino”
Maggi Grace (aka Irina) och Mia Maestro (aka Carmen) var på
Peter Lindbergh’s “A Night in Portofino” firade tillsammans med Shiva Rose
källa1 och källa2
Rachelle Lefevre på Maria Menounos Celebration
åå! älskar kläderna!!♥